Outfits / Outfit of

Oriental atmosphere with ottoman style earrings

by | Jun 13, 2013

Tania, blogger of Mariposas en el Armario, loves the oriental style of this gorgeous, turquoise and gold outfit.

Pepaloves “Rogelia” turquoise dress is accessorized with Avenio ottoman style turquoise and agate earrings and golden cristal and silver designer necklace.

But the most outstanding fashion accessory is the turban hat by Nila Taranco. It is an exclusive model called “Orient” that includes a vintage golden piece the designer got at a N.Y auction. Here, Tania wears it between her eyes but it can be also worn at a side with a twenties style result.

Blog Mariposas en el armario | Dress by Pepaloves | Turban hat by: Nila Taranco



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